A Message from the Co-Chairs Jennifer Schwartz and Larry Turow

When we wrote our first message to the community nearly one year ago as the new Annual Campaign co-chairs, we were excited to declare the 2020 Annual Campaign officially underway. Working with such a dedicated team of volunteers, professionals, and donors, we shared our hopes for the upcoming year, eager to build on the successes of the prior Annual Campaigns.
Nobody had any idea what this past year had in store for us—the ongoing pandemic that still impacts each and every one of us, the substantial needs that would arise from unprecedented economic stresses, the social distancing and isolation, or any of the challenges we would face together as a community.
The theme for last year’s Annual Campaign was 2020—A Vision for the Future—Where we have come from, where we are, and where we are going. We all know too well where we have been this past year and where we are currently, which is why we now focus on where we are going—and boldly announce that the theme for the 2021 Annual Campaign is, quite simply, Moving Forward.
While the challenges resulting from the pandemic are not yet behind us, this past year has shown us what we can overcome and accomplish when we come together as a community.
In this upcoming year, we will continue to build upon the successes in recent years to prepare the Federation and our community for our evolving present and for a strong future. We will strive to understand the growing needs of our community and work to ensure that the funds are available to help meet those demands.  
We look forward to engaging our community and our donors in new and exciting ways. We will continue to highlight the incredible Jewish communal work being done through your support of the Annual Campaign and will also work to meet your needs and interests as donors, supporting those areas that mean the most to you. We will enhance our recognition of your support through published giving levels and more robust giving societies and will communicate all of this work to you through a variety of media that work best for you.
We have significant challenges that lay ahead in 2021 and beyond, and we cannot do the important work that needs to be done—or raise the funds that are needed for our community—without your help. Your continued generosity will keep us strong as we move forward!
Each and every day the Federation transforms, inspires, and saves lives together with our network of partner agencies and the support of so many individuals. Contributions to the Annual Campaign fund vital programs and services that serve the most vulnerable among us, engage the next generation in our community, develop leaders of today and tomorrow, and so much more.
What we wrote a year ago rings just as true today: This is our community…we celebrate our differences while recognizing that we are all in this together. It is our Annual Campaign that unifies us around the values we share, the hopes we have for ourselves and our families, and the common desire to make a difference in our community.
We look forward to a time when it is safe to hold our programs in person once again, but in the meantime, stay tuned for more information about upcoming events and opportunities.
Thank you for all that you do for our community!  We are excited to be MOVING FORWARD together with you for a successful 2021 Annual Campaign.


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