JFGI Receives $100K Emergency Security Grant

The greater Indianapolis Jewish Community received $100,000 in emergency security grant dollars thanks to a Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) Emergency Grant Fund.

The Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis (JFGI) applied for the money on behalf of its partners to provide programming and services to early-aged children (0-5), including preschools, summer camps and after-school programs.

The fund was created after Oct. 7 and the increase in antisemitism. Funding for the grant was made possible due to the generosity of the Tepper Foundation’s national Security Fund and awarded through JFNA.

“This significant gift is extremely generous of the Tepper Foundation and will be life changing for our community,” said Marc Swatez, JFGI CEO. “We are committed to the safety and wellbeing of our children and couldn’t think of a better way to invest in this next generation.”

JFGI applied for, and was awarded, $100K on behalf of the following subgrantees:

JFGI (on behalf of the Indianapolis Jewish Community Center): $26,000

Goldman Union Camp Institute: $20,000

Hasten Hebrew Academy of Indianapolis: $18,000

Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation: $18,000

Congregation Beth-El Zedeck: $18,000

Allocations are based on the specific investments each organization has committed to through the end of 2024 in support of increased security presence at their facilities during early aged programming.

In addition to increasing security presence, the grant includes a second phase focused on strengthening community relations between the Jewish community and local interfaith partners by providing support and expertise to local faith-based institutions outside the Jewish community. JFGI’s Safe Indiana security initiative in partnership with the Indianapolis Jewish Community Relations Council will provide security and advocacy expertise to interfaith partners as JFGI and its partners commit to fortifying the institutions and relationships that are able to help prevent antisemitism and other forms of hate from taking root.


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