Age: 34

Pronouns: She/her

Primary Gig: Running a homecare agency

On the Side: Nonstop mom

How long have you lived in Indianapolis? 30 years with a 5-year intermission

Describe yourself in 100 words or less: I’m loyal, caring, welcoming, and a good listener. I bring everyone in my circle together whether it’s for dinners or events. I love to host and feed people. I also love a good glass of Sauvignon blanc.

How do you give back? On my day to day - I help elderly and disabled individuals throughout all of Indiana get access to community resources and matched with caregivers to help them in their home. For the Jewish community - I was part of ATID 5 cohort, I helped plan Israels 75th anniversary events during earth day, I was a co-chair for the Yom haatzmut/yom hazikaron event, I participate in JFS’ Birthday Club and Adopt-a-Family every year. My family is involved with Chabad, Pj Library, and recently established the Maya Shmoel fund at Hasten Hebrew Academy. I am also on the Woman’s Philanthropy and JFS committees.

Celebrity Doppleganger: Finland’s past President - Sanna Marin

Who is a Jew who inspires you? My mom and Helen Goldstein who are both strong and resilient businesswomen.

How do you envision the Indianapolis Jewish community in the next 10 years? I hope our day schools continue to thrive. Our Jewish day schools are the foundation of Jewish education, values, and understanding why being Jewish - especially now -is more important than ever.

What is your proudest accomplishment in the past 10 years? My family - my husband and two boys.

Any advice for younger professionals? If you’re not involved in the community - start somewhere / anywhere and form connections. We are all here to build each other up and keep our Jewish community thriving.

Anything else we should know about you? My mother in law (z”l) was the best cook I knew and she taught me how to incorporate Israeli spices and gave me her recipes. She loved hosting and feeding her family and close friends. I’ve been perfecting the recipes for the past year and I’m really proud of myself!

Want to honor this person? Make a donation to our Annual Campaign in recognition of this 36 Under 36 honoree.