Age: 34

Pronouns: She/Her

Primary Gig: Retail Merchandising and Marketing

On the Side: Travel Advisor

How long have you lived in Indianapolis? I was born and raised in Indianapolis and have lived here my whole life.

Describe yourself in 100 words or less: Creative visionary with a wanderlust spirit, blending rock and royal with an old soul. I’m passionate and dedicated in all my endeavors. I’m a proud Zionist and Jew, and cherish my roles as a daughter, sister, cousin, and aunt. I’m a feminist and advocate for women’s rights, students and education, the environment, and mental health. Known for my blunt honesty and loyalty as a friend, I’m empathetic and compassionate. I’m a sports fanatic, animal lover, a travel enthusiast, and admirer of the natural world. I’m a naturally curious individual who loves to learn and wants to make an impact.

How do you give back? I have an issue with the phrase 'giving back,' as it implies a transactional nature to generosity, suggesting that we only contribute to balance a previous taking. My approach to community involvement is driven by the belief that doing good is not about reciprocation but about doing what is inherently right. Time is our greatest resource, and I choose to give mine by being present for those in need and creating opportunities for those less fortunate. My efforts in Jewish advocacy, supporting women’s rights, and student educational initiatives are acts of presence, not transactions and stem from a deep conviction to positively impact lives. This approach is the catalyst for genuine change, fostering a community where compassion and support are not obligations but intrinsic parts of our collective ethos.

Celebrity Doppleganger: Lady Gaga

How do you envision the Indianapolis Jewish community in the next 10 years? In the next decade, I foresee significant challenges that could potentially diminish the Indianapolis Jewish community unless we take proactive measures. However, amidst these challenges lie vast opportunities for growth and revitalization. A critical step towards overcoming these obstacles is fostering greater engagement and unity across different Jewish denominations. It’s imperative that our congregations collaborate, sharing resources and ideas, to fortify our collective identity and resilience. I envision new opportunities to connect and share our culture beyond traditional settings, enriching our community life. By embracing diversity within our faith and fostering inclusivity, we can ensure that our community not only endures but flourishes, becoming a continual source of inspiration and support. I have faith in our community's capacity to adapt and thrive, preserving our traditions and values as sources of unity and strength.

What is your proudest accomplishment in the past 10 years? Perfecting my potato latke recipe.

Any advice for younger professionals? Your work is not your identity. Embrace the journey of discovering who you are beyond your job title. Invest in your passions and hobbies and cultivate relationships that nurture your well-being. Advocate for causes that matter to you as these pursuits will enrich your life in ways a career alone cannot. Stay curious and committed to lifelong learning and remember that your worth is not measured by professional success but by the positive impact you make on the world and the lives you touch.

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