Age: 34

Pronouns: she/her

Primary Gig: Mom

On the Side: Therapist in private practice

How long have you lived in Indianapolis? 30 years with stints at Purdue and Northwestern for school.

Describe yourself in 100 words or less: I moved to Indy from the former Soviet Union in 1994 with my family. I’m married with two young kids, so that takes up most of my time. I also love to get creative when I can; whether that’s a creative solution for clients at work, or with interior design and cooking at home. My happy place is being on a beach in Lake Michigan with family although I love to travel near and far.

How do you give back? I am on the Federation’s Woman’s Philanthropy Committee. I am involved with Adopt-a-Family and JFS Birthday Club every year.

Who is a Jew who inspires you? Noa Tishby

How do you envision the Indianapolis Jewish community in the next 10 years? Hopefully we continue to grow, and provide a safe space for Jews while working with the broader community to combat antisemitism.

What is your proudest accomplishment in the past 10 years? Definitely my kids

Any advice for younger professionals? The path you think you want in life, whether personally or professionally, is not always the path you need. It’s been helpful for me over the years to think of setbacks with that in mind and adapt to new things.

Want to honor this person? Make a donation to our Annual Campaign in recognition of this 36 Under 36 honoree.