Julia Rubenstein 

Mark Pescovitz Scholarship Winner 2014



My Jewish identity began to form at home with the traditions that my family has passed on to me. We have Shabbat dinners, we celebrate the holidays, and every year we have a Chanukah gift exchange. But my Jewish identity does not end in my home; it extends into the Indianapolis Jewish community. I am a member at Temple Beth-El Zedeck where I became a Bat Mitzvah and I was confirmed. I belong to the Jewish Community Center where I spent many summers by the pool and a part of the day camp. I have been a part of Indianapolis BBYO where I have learned not only how to be a leader, but a leader within the Jewish community. Next year, my Jewish identity will extend beyond just Indianapolis as I become a student at Indiana University. I hope to become a part of the Hillel as well as Jewish life on campus. The Mark Pescovitz scholarship will not only give me the opportunity to succeed academically, but will also keep me connected to my Jewish identity in Indianapolis.


I was interested in applying for the Mark Pescovtiz Scholarship because I believed that my experiences within the Jewish community provided me with the insight necessary to be a recipient of the scholarship. Dr. Mark Pescovitz was an exceptional leader within the Indianapolis Jewish community and I plan to honor his contributions as I become a student at Indiana University and become involved in Jewish leadership on campus.