Age: 35

Pronouns: she/her

Primary Gig: Dentist

On the Side: Mother

How long have you lived in Indianapolis? 13 years

Describe yourself in 100 words or less: I grew up in Northwest Indiana, attended Indiana University in Bloomington, then moved to Indianapolis in 2011 to attend IU School of Dentistry. I now work as a general dentist on the north side of Indy, and I also practice at the VA hospital. My husband Abe and I have three kids, Violet, Izzy, and Birdie. Aside from dentistry and raising children, I also love to read, exercise, and try all the great restaurants around Indy.

How do you give back? One important way I give back to my community is by doing dentistry at the VA hospital. The veterans deserve excellent care and I consider it my privilege to provide it to them. My family participates annually in JFS Adopt-a-Family, as well as periodic donations to the JCC, Chabad, and Indy’s synagogues.

Celebrity Doppleganger: Maggie Siff

Who is a Jew who inspires you? Ina Garten

How do you envision the Indianapolis Jewish community in the next 10 years? As a Jewish mother, my hope for the Indianapolis Jewish community in the next 10 years includes continued emphasis on Jewish education from early childhood through adult learning. I hope to continue to see my children and their peers becoming enriched with Jewish learning and traditions, as well as a strong sense of togetherness, as they grow and discover their own place in the Jewish community.

What is your proudest accomplishment in the past 10 years? My proudest accomplishment of the last decade is becoming a mother to three wonderful children, as well as beginning and growing my career as a dentist.

Any advice for younger professionals? I would advise young professionals to let their Jewish values guide them when embarking on their careers - be kind and compassionate, work hard, and have the self-confidence to do what you know is right. Establish a work/life balance that allows you to excel in your career and be present in your personal life, keeping in mind that nothing will fulfill you more than being engaged with your family and community.

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