Age: 29

Pronouns: She/her

Primary Gig: Social Work Case Manager at Community Hospital North

On the Side: Hiker, Artist, Musician

How long have you lived in Indianapolis? 20 years

Describe yourself in 100 words or less: I am a uniquely creative individual bursting with passion, which shows in my life as a Jewish woman, artist, social worker, twin sister, musician, and every other version of myself. I grew up in Carmel and always knew I wanted to make the world a better place. Music was my first true love learning the flute in 4th grade, and I now serenade the world every day on my commute to and from work. But my real fulfillment comes from helping others, especially through advocacy for vulnerable communities. After achieving a bachelors, masters, and license in social work, I was ready to change the world! With such big goals, I narrowed down my scope to Indianapolis to start. I have always been told I am an old soul, and they must have been right because I ended up working with the geriatric population as a healthcare social worker. There is a hodgepodge of people that I get to help, and I bring my best self into every patient room. To balance out the hard days, I find my joy through peaceful hikes in the woods. When it gets cold outside, I cuddle up with a good craft varying from paint to crochet and more. I have worn many titles in this short life so far, and my favorite these days is a person whose life is full.

How do you give back? I choose to give back with the connections that I build through meaningful experiences. I connect to my community at my Synagogue and through the events they host. I connect to my patients through important interactions, during which they are at their most vulnerable. Through activism and civil society, I feel connected to every cause I march for, alongside community members like myself working to build a better world. In addition to having 3 amazing cats of my own, I have also fostered many through the Humane Society over the past years. So whether it is at a local open-mic night singing, or speaking to lawmakers at the Statehouse, I incorporate giving back into all of the connections I build along the way.

Celebrity Doppleganger: Anne Hathaway

Who is a Jew who inspires you? Ruth Bader Ginsburg

How do you envision the Indianapolis Jewish community in the next 10 years? The Jewish community in Indianapolis has been a pillar of our society since I became a part of it, and I envision that strength will continue and thrive. Despite the challenges that face us in past and present, Jews continue to expand our capacity to improve local communities. Through multi-cultural events that bring people together, Indianapolis will be even more of a melting pot full of strong individuals with shared values. With such a wide variety of backgrounds and beliefs, I believe the Jewish community here will prosper in peace and sense of community.

What is your proudest accomplishment in the past 10 years? While pursuing my master’s degree, I had a very last-minute opportunity to study abroad in Croatia and I jumped on it. Through different cities and small towns, I navigated post-war communities, connecting citizens to local and international resources. I learned that values of unity and compassion connect people regardless of continent or country. I am incredibly proud of myself for fearlessly embracing a community that couldn't be further from my own, all to bring them closer to the legacy they want for their democracy. I found a great love in the Croatian culture and people, forever more holding onto the dream that I may someday return.

Any advice for younger professionals? There is a quote that has carried me through every great and terrible moment in my career, always bringing me back to my "why". I share it with you in the hopes it may become such a beacon to others. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead.

Anything else we should know about you? My favorite color is Orange

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