Age: 36

Pronouns: He/Him

Primary Gig: Executive Director | Hillel Foundation at Purdue

On the Side: A little of everything in the community.

How long have you lived in Indianapolis? 4 years in Indiana, moved to Virginia Beach during covid for 2 and a half years before coming back to Indiana.

Describe yourself in 100 words or less: Years ago, I served in the IDF as a lone soldier in the Nachal Brigade. As I finished my service and thought about what was next, I really came to the realization that whatever I did, I wanted to continue fighting for the Jewish people. That led me to Jewish nonprofit work, and it has to be some of the most rewarding work there is.

How do you give back? I get to wake up and work on amazing things for the Jewish community every day. Helping Volunteers, raising money to support Jewish programs, Shabbat Dinners at Hillel - I'm so lucky to be able to do all of it and serve the Jewish community.

Celebrity Doppleganger: My wife says Christopher Meloni (Law and Order)... but I plugged my photo into an AI and it spit back a tie between Andy Richter and Wayne Knight.

Who is a Jew who inspires you? I've worked with so many amazing professionals and lay leaders over the years, including here in Indiana and at the Federation.

Any advice for younger professionals? It may sound cliche, but just get involved in something you find passion in. You'll give back - AND you'll learn so much and make such great connections with the community.

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