Age: 34

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Primary Gig: Lawyer-Law Clerk for the Indiana Commercial Court

On the Side: President of Temple Israel of West Lafayette, Indiana; Board of Directors of LTHC Homeless Services; Immediate Past President of the YWCA Foundation of Greater Lafayette

How long have you lived in Indianapolis? I lived in West Lafayette from 2008-2012 while attending Purdue University and I moved back to Lafayette in 2016 after living in Philadelphia while attending law school. I have worked in and around Indianapolis since 2016.

Describe yourself in 100 words or less: Originally from Warsaw, Indiana, I attended Purdue University and the Thomas R. Kline School of Law at Drexel University in Philadelphia. Outside of my day job, I enjoy volunteering in the community, and serving others was a value instilled in me by my parents. I converted to Judaism in May 2021 and soon became the leader of Temple Israel's Sisterhood, then President-Elect of Temple Israel, and now President of Temple Israel. I am the proud wife of Lucas Dawson (my VERY supportive husband) and pet-mom to a senior chihuahua-mix and 4 cats. I enjoy history, traveling, hiking, reading, and music.

How do you give back? I find ways to use my strengths, which are organization, leadership, and interpersonal skills. I enjoy problem-solving and finding ways to make things more efficient and effective, which are often areas that are needed by non-profit organizations. It is meaningful to me to help an organization be better equipped to overcome obstacles so that it can get back to focusing on its mission and serving the community. I also love doing more "hands-on" volunteer work like serving meals at the LTHC Homeless Services Engagement Center, cleaning and organizing, doing landscape projects, setting up and tearing down for events, etc.

Celebrity Doppleganger: Not in appearances, but I have been told by at least 3 people that I remind them of Leslie Knope from Parks and Rec

Who is a Jew who inspires you? Ruth Bader Ginsburg

How do you envision the Indianapolis Jewish community in the next 10 years? I envision more collaboration and joint efforts between the Jewish organizations in the Greater Indianapolis area, including those located outside of Indianapolis. Sometimes it can feel like the Jewish community in West Lafayette is its own little island (small, but mighty!), so it would be nice to have more interconnectedness. I also envision a growing and changing community that honors our past but is also not afraid to try new things to realize our Jewish values.

What is your proudest accomplishment in the past 10 years? Personally, marrying my best friend and graduating magna cum laude from law school 6 months later. Community-wise, writing a successful application for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program and securing $150,000 in grant funds for security upgrades to Temple Israel's synagogue.

Any advice for younger professionals? Do not be afraid to ask questions. Don't worry that it may make you seem inexperienced. Asking questions is the only way you can continue to learn and grow in your profession, and it shows that you are interested and invested.

Anything else we should know about you? Converting to Judaism has been one of the most important events in my life. I found a place that affirmed my personal values, and I found a community that was loving, accepting, and supportive.

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