Leadership Corner

JFGI Leadership shares its thoughts about a range of topics from Jewish camping to our Jewish community to Israel and more.

Impact Provides Inspiration

For the first time in many years, we have produced an impact report and we were amazed by some of the numbers. We've included the full report with this issue. As just one example of a number that surprised when we put it all together, we provide more than 22,000 rides a year to people. That'…

May His Voice Live On

Senior executive of the Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis shares her personal experience with Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel

Our Agencies: Jewish Community Center

The JCC’s mission is to enrich the community by perpetuating Jewish tradition and heritage while celebrating diversity of beliefs through arts, education, health, and wellness programs.

For 100 years, diversity has been at the heart of the JCC, dating back to when the first Eastern Europe…

Our Agencies: The Indianapolis Jewish Community Relations Council

Skillfully led by Lindsey B. Mintz and David Sklar, the Indianapolis Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) is tasked with convening the Jewish community’s “Common Table,” around which representatives from every Jewish agency, synagogue, and organization are welcome and encouraged t…

Jewish Family Services @ The Reuben Senior & Community Resource Center

I am pleased to share with you a glimpse into one of our Jewish communal agencies—Jewish Family Services (JFS) at The Albert & Sara Reuben Senior and Community Resource Center (ASRSCRC). JFS strengthens our community by providing services and resources to our most vulnerable members. Execu…