Age: 33

Pronouns: She/Her

Primary Gig: School Counselor

On the Side: Travel Agent

How long have you lived in Indianapolis? 5 years

Describe yourself in 100 words or less: I am a very passionate and open-minded counselor, partner, aunt, friend, cat mom...the list goes on. I believe we are all here to connect with as many people as possible and learn as much as we can from them along the way. Everyone has a story, and I want to hear as many as I can in this lifetime.

How do you give back? I've spent my life truly trying to embody the Jewish value of Tikkun Olam. I'm from a very diverse area in New York and this was key to me becoming who I am, today. Upon graduating with a Master of Psychology in School Counseling, I spent many months in Israel working with the Ethiopian Immigrant community, just north of Haifa. Discovering my impact there, I came back to the States to work as the Director of Jewish Student Life at Hillel at Miami University of Ohio with the goal of helping as many students as possible understand what their Jewish identity meant to them and what kind of work THEY could then in turn do to make this world a better place. I'm now working in an urban elementary setting in Indianapolis, where I get to make small children feel valued and loved each and every day of the school year. My job fuels my love and passion for children, education, and Tikkun Olam. I am returning to school one more time, at Butler University this fall, to complete my certification in Mental Health Counseling, so that I can give back in a larger capacity as a therapist. I love the community I live and work in and I love knowing in my heart that I add positivity to it.

Celebrity Doppleganger: Alia Shawkat

Who is a Jew who inspires you? Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Up until her death, RBG fought for what she knew was right, even when she knew it was going to rock the boat. She fought for women and won and fought for Jewish values to be respected in the courts, and succeeded. To this day, did you know the US Supreme Court does not hear cases on Yom Kippur?

How do you envision the Indianapolis Jewish community in the next 10 years? A Jewish community, by nature, is a people who are constantly reflecting on their surroundings and reality. I see Indianapolis' Jewish community as one that will continue to evolve with the times to ensure its availability and support for Jewish people and families in the area.

What is your proudest accomplishment in the past 10 years? My proudest accomplishment in the past 10 years, would have to be accepting my role as Director of Jewish Student Life at Hillel at Miami University of Ohio, in 2017. I was working through major life transitions, and this meant leaving home in New York, and move to Ohio. I discovered so much about who I was and what I think this life is all about.

Any advice for younger professionals? It is so easy to get in the habit of people-pleasing and being a "yes person" during the first few years of your career. There is nothing more valuable than learning how to set healthy boundaries for yourself and your time. This will help you as well as others appreciate the value you bring to your organization.

Anything else we should know about you? My partner and I are avid concert goers. We attend sometimes more than 30 concerts in a year. I feel like music is magic and there's nothing better than sharing magic with as many as possible!

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