Age: 32

Pronouns: She/Her

Primary Gig: Senior Assistant Director at URJ Goldman Union Camp Institute

On the Side: PR/Marketing/Graphic Design Freelancer

How long have you lived in Indianapolis? Since February 2019

Describe yourself in 100 words or less: As a passionate Jewish woman and dedicated camp professional, I am committed to enriching the lives of young people through immersive, meaningful experiences. My work focuses on fostering a deep sense of community, identity, and connection to Jewish traditions. By creating inclusive and dynamic camp environments, I aim to inspire the next generation, instilling values of leadership, empathy, and resilience. This recognition as one of the "36 Under 36" honors my dedication to empowering youth and strengthening our vibrant Jewish community.

How do you give back? My entire career is based on creating healthy, positive, Jewish experiences for children and young adults of all ages. Working with my team, we create an inclusive community that accepts young people from diverse Jewish and Jewish-adjacent backgrounds that is safe for them to explore and celebrate their Judaism. This is all done through the lens of the Jewish summer camp experience, which at its core is lifechanging, creates lifelong friendships, builds confidence, and both develops and fosters the next generation of Jewish leaders.

Celebrity Doppleganger: Ashley Tinsdale

Who is a Jew who inspires you? Ruth Bader Ginsberg

What is your proudest accomplishment in the past 10 years? In 2019, I made the jump from communications and marketing to helping run my childhood summer camp. At the time, I had friends, colleagues and family members question my choice and genuinely worry about this decision. I made the change because while I was excelling in my role in corporate America, I wanted to work hard for a place that I cared about, a place that gave me so much and that I hope to give to others. This was the best decision I made, and it has brought me to where I am now.

Any advice for younger professionals? It is never too early or late to change career paths and pursue your passion.

Anything else we should know about you? I live in Bloomington with my husband Matt Hastings, who is the Assistant Director of Indiana University Hillel, with our Australian Shepard, Minerva (Minnie). While we live in Bloomington, we consider ourselves part of the Indianapolis community because our residence for the summer is Zionsville, and we come to Indy several times a week throughout the year.

Want to honor this person? Make a donation to our Annual Campaign in recognition of this 36 Under 36 honoree.