YoPhI Teen Board Make an Impact with Over $5,600 to Community

In May, the 2020-21 YoPhI Teen Board wrapped up fundraising and grantmaking in their chosen focus areas: Environmental Sustainability & Equity, with the 18 Teen Board members who allocated more than $5,600 to local organizations. Kol HaKavod!
Visit www.jewishindianapolis.org/yophi-teen-board to learn more about the YoPhI Teen Board and past grantees.

Exodus Refugee Immigration / Exodus Women’s Program: Founded in 2010, Exodus’ Women’s Program offers services to build refugee women clients’ confidence and assist them in overcoming their unique barriers to self-sufficiency. These services include case management, women’s groups, women’s art circle, women’s giving circle events, and financial needs assistance.

Jewish Community Center Indianapolis / Community Garden Refurbishment: The “seed” for the JCC Community Garden was planted in Fall 2010 to cultivate values that are central to the JCC: improve health, promote physical activity, improve well-being, reconnect children to nature, promote a family activity, and build a community.

Jewish Family Services / Supportive Services for Survivors of Domestic Violence: Jewish Family Services meets the needs of local community members, whatever those needs may be and serves domestic abuse survivors with the care and confidentiality that they seek. Each client is offered individualized support and solutions, including emergency aid, by JFS social workers every step of the way to safety and security.


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