119th JFGI Annual Meeting and Awards Ceremony

Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis held its 119th Annual Meeting on June 5. President Helen Kurlander Goldstein gave an update on the status of the Jewish community. CEO Marc Swatez gave a State of the Federation address with positive feedback about efforts to combat antisemitism and enhance the Jewish Community Campus. We congratulated several individuals for their service on the board as they cycled off and welcomed new board members and executive committee members. The Annual Award ceremony honored the following individuals for their outstanding efforts that continue to allow the community to thrive Jewishly.

  • Janine Shapiro and Eli Isaacs: LL Goodman Young Leadership Award
  • Rabbi Dennis Sasso and Rabbi Sandy Sasso: Kehilla Award
  • Emma Law-Oppman, M.A.C.A. Facebook Group: The Lev Award
  • 36 Under 36 Program, Andrea Kruszynski: Domont Award
  • HHAI and the Partnership2Gether Virtual Innovative Project, Michael Voskoboynik and Miriam Gettinger: Melvin Simon Tikkun Olam Award


Guests also enjoyed a pre-board reception and a dessert reception in honor of the Federation's Legacy community.

Visit www.jewishindianapolis.org/annual-awards for more information on JFGI’s Annual Awards and to see past award recipients.

Visit www.jewishindianapolis.org/staff--board-of-directors for a full listing of the 2024-25 JFGI Board of Directors.


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