Age: 32

Pronouns: He/Him

Primary Gig: Chief of Staff to the President and Head of AI at Speechify Inc

How long have you lived in Indianapolis? 10 years

Describe yourself in 100 words or less: I am dedicated to building relationships and fostering a vibrant community. I enjoy connecting with people, connecting them with others, and making them feel a part of something larger than themselves. I grew up with amazing Jewish role models and strive to make an impact similar to them. I love whipping up new dishes in the kitchen and inviting my friends over to test them out, playing sports, and watching TV. I'm always looking for people to talk NY sports, and I'm still on a mission to find the best pizza, wings, and bagels in the city.

How do you give back? I have been a BBYO advisor for Indy AZA for the last 6 years, serve on the NEXTGen Commitee, and was on the Yoms planning committee. I'm involved in Chabad’s YJP and advise the University at Buffalo Alpha Epsilon Pi Chapter. I also co-founded the Young Jewish Indy WhatsApp group.

Who is a Jew who inspires you? My dad, David Kirschtel

How do you envision the Indianapolis Jewish community in the next 10 years? I envision that it will be vibrant and welcoming to new Jews moving to Indianapolis. There will be a network to make sure they feel at home, and a strong pipeline of local Jews moving through high school and coming back to Indy to live. I imagine the community will be more cohesive and there will be more unity and engagement amongst Jewish organizations throughout the community.

What is your proudest accomplishment in the past 10 years? Entering a brand-new field that I knew nothing about. I worked at Alpha Epsilon Pi for 8 years. I started chapters, trained Jewish leaders, and really loved what I was doing for 12 years, including college. I left AEPi and started work at Speechify - an AI startup, where I knew nothing about Start Ups, Artificial Intelligence, or coding. I have successfully managed a team which started with 3 and is now up to 12 engineers who are on the forefront of creating the most human sounding AI voices in the field and creating cutting edge technology. I've overcome countless obstacles to being successful in this role and have earned the respect of some of the most impressive engineers in the field.

Any advice for younger professionals? Get involved and get outside your comfort zone. Find things that excite you outside of work and meet more people. If the only thing you're involved in is your job, you're doing something wrong.

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