Age: 24

Pronouns: She/her

Primary Gig: Senior Financial Analyst

On the Side: Dance Teacher

How long have you lived in Indianapolis? 3 years

Describe yourself in 100 words or less: I cherish my loyalty and authenticity, finding great meaning in my Judaism, family bonds, and friendships. I embrace challenges as opportunities for personal growth. Activities like dancing, running, and engaging in deep conversations over coffee bring me genuine happiness.

How do you give back? I have always been really passionate about sharing my Judaism. Growing up in Chicago, I would invite my best friends over for Shabbat and as I went on to college, intentionally shared the tradition of Passover seder with my best friend at Purdue. Over the past year I have grown this passion into providing reading material, leading discussions and hosting Q/A’s around the history of Israel. This activity has led to meaningful discussions and abundant learnings with individuals from all aspects of my life. I believe it is so important to educate our circles on Israel and Judaism as there is so much misunderstanding that can often exacerbate problems. Outside of my Judaism, I mentor and recruit college students, as well as speak at a variety of Woman in Business events to encourage interest in the Finance and Data Science STEM fields.

Celebrity Doppleganger: I’ve been told I look like Harriet Cains

Who is a Jew who inspires you? Noa Tishby

How do you envision the Indianapolis Jewish community in the next 10 years? I envision a community that has a greater understanding of Judaism, one where an individual calls up a Jewish friend when they see a post or sign that comes from a place of misunderstanding. I envision a community where my kids feel safe to publicize their Judaism.

What is your proudest accomplishment in the past 10 years? I am proud of staying close to my childhood best friends. I was recently the maid of honor for my friend of 21 years’ wedding and in my adulthood have come to realize just how treasured special friendships should be.

Any advice for younger professionals? Say yes and learn to love yourself. Say yes to events, say yes to opportunities, say yes to going places on your own, you never know where these paths may lead. Learn to love yourself and all the amazing things you are capable of, because loving yourself, in my opinion, is where true confidence comes from.

Anything else we should know about you? I am so excited to be a part of the 36 under 36 program as I anticipate many great conversations and learnings from new Jewish connections in Indianapolis to emerge.

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