Age: 27

Pronouns: He/him/his

Primary Gig: Organizational Development Director, United Way of Central Indiana

On the Side: Teen Board Director, Caroline Symmes Children’s Cancer Endowment

How long have you lived in Indianapolis? I've lived in Indianapolis my entire life except for a few detours to North Carolina, Chile, and Hong Kong.

Describe yourself in 100 words or less: Social impact professional walking alongside the nonprofit sector in Central Indiana. Passionate about developing leaders, organizations, and systemic solutions related to the community. Ultimate frisbee enthusiast, amateur jazz pianist in-training, and undeterred online chess loser.

How do you give back? As Organizational Development Director at United Way of Central Indiana, my efforts center around supporting organizations in the nonprofit sector to strengthen their capacity, internal operations, and resiliency through a variety of programming, convening, and funding streams. As Teen Board Director of the Caroline Symmes Children’s Cancer Endowment, my focus is on supporting a group of approximately 20 high school students in Central Indiana raise and allocate funds for pediatric cancer research. Each of my major professional and civic engagements are oriented towards developing leaders, enhancing institutions, building community, and creating equitable opportunity and outcomes for our neighbors.

Who is a Jew who inspires you? My father, Michael Mervis

What is your proudest accomplishment in the past 10 years? The development and growth of the Caroline Symmes Children’s Cancer Endowment Teen Board and the dedication of the Caroline Symmes Laboratory at Riley Children’s Health.

Any advice for younger professionals? Don’t spend too much time worrying about your final destination. If you follow your values and your passions, you’ll end up right where you need to be.

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