Age: 28

Pronouns: He/Him

Primary Gig: Howard M. Lorber Director of Programming at Alpha Epsilon Pi International Headquarters

On the Side: Local BBYO Advisor, JCRC of Indianapolis Board of Directors, University of Delaware Hillel Board of Directors

How long have you lived in Indianapolis? 6 years

Describe yourself in 100 words or less: I graduated from the University of Delaware in 2018 with a degree in Organizational and Community Leadership. Following graduation, I made my way to Indianapolis to join the Alpha Epsilon Pi professional team. Contributing to the local Jewish community has always been a big part of my life. As such, I became a volunteer for BBYO and currently serve on the boards of directors for the Indianapolis Jewish Community Relations Council and the University of Delaware Hillel.

How do you give back? For me, giving back to the Jewish community has become a core part of my everyday life. My day-to-day job revolves around helping shape future Jewish leaders for our community. Additionally, I advise and work with incredible local and national organizations to help support Jewish students on campus and beyond.

Any advice for younger professionals? The relationships and friendships you make will matter more than any resume, cover letter, or GPA. Invest your time in meeting others and creating meaningful genuine relationships.

Want to honor this person? Make a donation to our Annual Campaign in recognition of this 36 Under 36 honoree.