Age: 28

Pronouns: He/Him

Primary Gig: Assistant Director of Youth Engagement & Special Events/ BBYO City Director at the JCC

On the Side: 7-8th Grade Boys Basketball Coach at the Orchard School

How long have you lived in Indianapolis? 6 years

Describe yourself in 100 words or less: I am Passionate and patient, I find fulfillment in mentoring teens and supporting the Indianapolis Jewish Community. I am actively involved in the Indianapolis Jewish Community through the JCC, Jewish Federation, and Young Adult groups. When I am not working, you can usually find me watching my favorite sports teams (especially the Pacers and IU Basketball), playing/coaching basketball, or playing softball.

How do you give back? In addition to my professional endeavors, I am actively engaged in supporting the Indianapolis Jewish community. My work with BBYO helps guide teens in planning and executing service projects and fostering a spirit of volunteerism within the younger generation. Furthermore, I partner with the Jewish Federation to bolster their Holocaust programming and other initiatives throughout the year. These efforts contribute to the strength and vibrancy of the Jewish community in Indianapolis.

Celebrity Doppleganger: Adrian Brody

Who is a Jew who inspires you? Chuck Cohen (My Grandfather)

How do you envision the Indianapolis Jewish community in the next 10 years? Over the next decade, I envision the Indianapolis Jewish community flourishing through a spirit of collaboration and interconnectedness. By fostering deeper partnerships between organizations like the JCC, Jewish Federation, and synagogues, we can create a more unified and vibrant community. This collaborative approach will enable us to leverage our collective resources to better serve our members, engage younger generations, and strengthen our collective impact.

What is your proudest accomplishment in the past 10 years? In the past decade, I'm particularly proud of my role in revitalizing the Indianapolis JCC Maccabi Games Delegation. After a 13-year hiatus, I spearheaded efforts to rebuild the program, resulting in a nine-athlete delegation competing across five sports this summer. This achievement combines my passion for sports development and youth engagement, while fostering a deeper & first connection to Jewish life for Indianapolis teens. It's incredibly rewarding to see this program flourishing again and offering a meaningful experience for the next generation.

Any advice for younger professionals? In my experience, the most valuable advice for young professionals is to embrace a growth mindset. There will be challenges and setbacks but view them as opportunities to learn and improve. Be curious, ask questions, and actively seek out new experiences. Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone – that's where the most growth happens. Finally, trust your instincts – you've developed valuable skills and judgment. While it's important to learn from others, don't be afraid to back yourself and your ideas. This combination of growth, curiosity, and self-belief will serve you well throughout your career.

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