Age: 32

Pronouns: He/Him

Primary Gig: Co-Founder of BrightPoint Real Estate

On the Side: Dog Dad

How long have you lived in Indianapolis? 30 years

Describe yourself in 100 words or less: I’m a co-founder of BrightPoint Real Estate and a leader in commercial real estate and development. I’ve successfully negotiated landmark deals, including representing both the landlord and tenant in a major lease. Recently, I've expanded into real estate development, demonstrating my adaptability and forward-thinking approach. I’m deeply committed to community engagement, participating in the Black and Jewish Relations Workshop and supporting MELI (More Equality Less Ignorance). My goal is to blend professional excellence with social responsibility, making a positive impact in both my industry and community.

How do you give back? I give back to my community through active participation and support of various initiatives. I am deeply involved in the Black and Jewish Relations Workshop, which promotes dialogue and understanding between diverse groups. Additionally, I support MELI (More Equality Less Ignorance), a local Indiana brand focused on promoting equality and reducing ignorance. These efforts help foster inclusivity and social responsibility, demonstrating my commitment to making a positive impact beyond my professional achievements in real estate. My dedication to community engagement reflects my belief in using my platform to drive meaningful change and support those around me.

Celebrity Doppleganger: Josh Duhamel

Who is a Jew who inspires you? Carl Icahn

How do you envision the Indianapolis Jewish community in the next 10 years? In the next 10 years, I envision the Indianapolis Jewish community thriving as a vibrant, inclusive, and influential force within the city. We will see a stronger sense of unity and collaboration across various Jewish organizations, working together to address community needs and promote cultural heritage. Education will play a crucial role, with enhanced programs and resources for both Jewish and interfaith families, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of our traditions. Our community will be a leader in promoting social justice, with initiatives aimed at combating antisemitism, promoting equality, and supporting marginalized groups. We will also see increased engagement from younger generations, driven by innovative programs and events that resonate with their interests and values. Technology and social media will be leveraged to connect and engage members, making participation in community activities more accessible and widespread. Economically, the Jewish community will continue to contribute significantly to the growth and prosperity of Indianapolis, with successful businesses and professionals actively involved in the city's development. Philanthropy will remain a cornerstone, with robust support for local and global causes. Overall, the Indianapolis Jewish community will be a model of resilience, inclusivity, and positive impact, enriching the broader Indianapolis community and beyond.

What is your proudest accomplishment in the past 10 years? Starting a real estate business with my childhood friend Evan Kroot and being successful enough to give back to local charities.

Any advice for younger professionals? 1. Build Strong Relationships: Networking is crucial. Form meaningful connections with mentors, peers, and industry leaders. These relationships can provide guidance, support, and opportunities throughout your career. 2. Embrace Continuous Learning: Stay curious and keep learning. Whether it’s through formal education, professional development courses, or self-study, constantly seek to expand your knowledge and skills. 3. Be Adaptable: The business world is always changing. Be open to new ideas, technologies, and ways of working. Adaptability will help you stay relevant and seize new opportunities. 4. Take Risks: Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Taking calculated risks can lead to significant growth and unexpected opportunities. Learn from your failures and use them as steppingstones to success. 5. Give Back to the Community: Engage in community service and philanthropic efforts. Giving back not only enriches your personal life but also builds a positive reputation and network within the community. 6. Maintain Integrity: Always uphold your values and ethics. Trustworthiness and integrity are essential for long-term success and building strong, lasting relationships. 7. Balance Work and Life: Strive for a healthy work-life balance. Taking care of your well-being and spending time with loved ones will make you more effective and satisfied in your professional life. 8. Set Clear Goals: Define what success looks like for you and set clear, achievable goals. Regularly assess your progress and adjust your plans as needed to stay on track. 9. Stay Resilient: Challenges and setbacks are inevitable. Stay resilient, keep a positive attitude, and persevere through difficult times. Your ability to bounce back will set you apart. 10. Seek Feedback and Reflect: Regularly seek feedback from peers and mentors and reflect on your experiences. Use this insight to continuously improve and grow both personally and professionally.

Anything else we should know about you? When I was 19, I lived in a tent in Hawaii for a year. During that time, I learned an important lesson: the same issues I faced would follow me no matter where I went. It's best to deal with them now, otherwise, they will continue to follow you wherever you go. This experience taught me resilience and the importance of addressing challenges head-on, a mindset that has greatly influenced my approach to both personal and professional life.

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