Age: 36

Pronouns: she/her

Primary Gig: Geriatric Physician working at Community Health Network

On the Side: Wife to fellow physician and mother of two daughters (and two giant husky dogs)

How long have you lived in Indianapolis? Since I was 1 years old after being born in Jerusalem

Describe yourself in 100 words or less: I am a proud Jewish American born in Israel, dedicated to the service of caring for our aging population and balancing the love and time it takes to be married and help raise a family.

How do you give back? I feel that my career allows me to give back every day. Even during time off, I am often reading to help reinforce my knowledge and enrich the care I provide my patients and their families. My mother, who has worked for the United Way of Central Indiana over 25 years, instilled a deep passion for service work from a very young age. Most recently, I have volunteered at my synagogue (Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation) as well as a URJ camp (Goldman Union Camp Institute).

Celebrity Doppleganger: Natalie Portman or Gal Gadot

Who is a Jew who inspires you? Gisella Perl. She was a Jewish gynecologist who helped hundreds of women living at Auschwitz. She then specialized in infertility in the U.S. and then made Aliyah.

How do you envision the Indianapolis Jewish community in the next 10 years? It seems that young Jewish adults in the community have been more active lately, and I hope that continues. I pray that our Jewish community can remain strong, safe, happy and striving for many years to come.

What is your proudest accomplishment in the past 10 years? I worked hard to complete my medical degree, Internal Medicine residency and Geriatric fellowship. But I am proudest of my two daughters who both possess kind hearts and a budding love for Judaism.

Any advice for younger professionals? Try and do hard things even if you might fail. Surround yourself with people who care about you and want you to succeed.

Anything else we should know about you? I have always loved singing, and trained classically in voice for 12 years. I hope to join the IHC choir one day when life slows down a little. I also grow a garden every spring filled mostly with native flowering plants to attract butterflies, bees and hummingbirds.

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