Age: 36

Pronouns: She/Her

Primary Gig: Senior Associate, Indianapolis Jewish Community Relations Council

On the Side: Co-Founder and Executive Director, Crane Center for Mass Atrocity Prevention

How long have you lived in Indianapolis? 35 years

Describe yourself in 100 words or less: I am a mother, Jewish communal professional, and wife dedicated to human rights and passionate about making a difference in the world. My husband, Joshua, and I have been married for 13 years, and we have an 8-year-old daughter named Willow. I enjoy engaging in conversations with people from various cultures, learning about their unique perspectives, and helping empower them to initiate change in their communities. My commitment to understanding and advocating for others drives my work and personal life as I strive to create a more just and compassionate world for everyone.

How do you give back? I give back to the community primarily through my professional work with the JCRC, where I counter antisemitism and build bridges across interfaith and intercultural divides. In addition, I create spaces for the community to remember the Holocaust and strive to ensure the stories of victims and survivors live on.

Celebrity Doppleganger: No idea

Who is a Jew who inspires you? Elie Wiesel

How do you envision the Indianapolis Jewish community in the next 10 years? In 10 years, I hope to see the Indianapolis Jewish community as a model of unity and collaboration, with silos completely broken down and a strong sense of cooperation. I hope the younger generation steps up as strong leaders, bringing fresh ideas and forward-thinking vision. If we come together, I believe we can create a vibrant, inclusive, and dynamic community that honors our traditions while embracing new ways to grow and thrive.

What is your proudest accomplishment in the past 10 years? My proudest professional accomplishments include three significant achievements. First, I co-authored a resolution condemning ethnic violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which was introduced in the US House of Representatives. Second, I advocated for the return of security forces to a remote location in the DRC after receiving intel about a planned massacre against an ethnic minority community. Due to the pressure my colleagues and I placed on the State Department and embassies, the UN sent the security forces back, thus preventing the massacre. Lastly, I played a key role in ensuring humanitarian aid reached Darfuri refugees. After learning that food aid was being stolen by a third-party organization, my colleague and I contacted high-ranking UN officials, resulting in the removal of the third party and proper distribution of aid to those in need.

Any advice for younger professionals? My advice to young professionals is to actively engage with diverse communities and explore opportunities to work with agencies and organizations that align with your passions. By getting involved, you not only broaden your skill set but also gain valuable insights into various community needs and challenges. Every effort, big or small, contributes to building a stronger and more connected community. Embrace these experiences as opportunities to learn, grow, and truly make a difference in the world around you.

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