Age: 34

Pronouns: She/her/hers

Primary Gig: Mom

On the Side: Associate Director of Early Childhood Education at the JCC

How long have you lived in Indianapolis? I was born and raised in Indianapolis and have lived in Indianapolis for a total of 24 years.

Describe yourself in 100 words or less: I am the mom of two amazing boys, Joseph and Benjamin. My husband, David, and I recently increased our involvement in the organizations in the Jewish community that we enjoyed as children. I also serve on the board of our family business on the Cantor side, called Hamilton Exhibits. In my free time, I like to play tennis and read fun books.

How do you give back? I serve as the Corresponding Secretary of the Temple Sisterhood of Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation’s board. I also serve on the Temple Sisterhood's Social Action Committee. This March, I chaired an event in which the Social Action Committee collaborated with Coburn Place for a special event in honor of Read Across America. As a family, we participate in annual community service programs. For example, we support Adopt-a-Family each Hanukkah, assemble Passover and Thanksgiving baskets for families in need, and contribute to Jewish Family Service's Birthday Club. We also support various programs and events through the Jewish Community Center.

Who is a Jew who inspires you? I am inspired by my parents, Katy and Dan Cantor. They have dedicated their time and treasure to serving our community and through their commitment, showed us the value of community involvement and philanthropy.

How do you envision the Indianapolis Jewish community in the next 10 years? I hope the Indianapolis Jewish community continues to be safe, inclusive, and vibrant, so that our children can feel at home, supported, and have many opportunities to participate in meaningful programming.

What is your proudest accomplishment in the past 10 years? Personally, I am so proud of my family, especially our two sons. Professionally, I was honored to be awarded Teacher of the Year at University of Cleveland Preparatory School when we lived in Cleveland, Ohio.

Any advice for younger professionals? It is important to ask for and be clear about what you want. If you believe that you are qualified and would like to be considered for an opportunity, communicate your wishes openly and honestly.

Anything else we should know about you? I am so honored to be recognized with this accomplished group of leaders and look forward to learning more about the meaningful programs and organizations in our community.

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